highway, blue sky

I need a ride. . . what do I do?

Our region has a great system of public transportation that covers all eight counties.

If you find yourself needing a ride, or you know of someone that might need a ride, check out this site:  https://ksrides.org/i-need-a-ride/

Here you will find the transportation providers that operate in each county.  You can find hours, fares and contact information.

Use public transportation to get where you need to go!

May the road rise to greet you

On the road again . . .

Do you ever wonder who takes care of the roads in Kansas.  It’s KDOT, the Kansas Department of Transportation.

They have the state divided into six Districts.  Our eight county region falls within District 2.

This District is responsible for construction and maintenance activities for 16 counties in North Central Kansas.   These responsibilities include providing snow and ice removal on the 4,345 miles of state highways that are housed in this district.

Read more about what is happening with roads in our North Central Kansas district here:  http://www.ksdot.org/divoperat/district2.asp

kids, car window, sunglasses

The Road Awaits . . .

Connecting the country since 1956, Kansas Interstate 70 is your connection to fun and adventure.  Whether it’s your destination or just part of your journey, Kansas offers world-class events and attractions.  Check out this new website for more information and trip suggestions.



Ten Reasons to Use Public Transportation In Kansas

  1.  Public Transportation enhances personal opportunities.  It provides personal mobility and freedom and allows people to get to work, school, visit friends and more.
  2. Public transportation saves fuel and reduces congestion.  Less cars on the road means less fuel that is purchased and less time looking for a parking spot.
  3. Public transportation provides economic opportunities and drives community growth and revitalization.  Every $1 invested in public transportation generates at least $4 in economic returns.  Good news for rural Kansas!
  4. Public transportation saves money.  Using public transportation is the quickest way to beat high gas prices, car payments and insurance.  It’s an easy alternative to driving!
  5. Public transportation reduces gasoline consumption.  Households near public transit drive an average of 4,400 fewer miles than households with no access to public transit.  Less trips to the gas station!
  6. Public transportation reduces carbon footprint.  A single commuter switching to public transportation can reduce a household’s carbon emissions by 10%.  Just think what would happen if we all did that?  An easy way to go green.
  7. The weather always changes in Kansas – let someone else deal with road conditions.
  8. You can legally read a book or text on your phone while riding!
  9. Riding a bus is way less stressful than driving in traffic!
  10. Everyone loves to make new friends!

For more public transportation facts, see the Public Transportation Fact Book.

Did you know there’s a Kansas Bucket List?

From Kansas’ Tallgrass Prairie to Alcove Springs Park; Boot Hill Museum in Dodge City to chicken cuisine in Pittsburg; the Gypsum Hills to the Amelia Earhart Festival-these are just a few of the amazing experiences on Kansans’ bucket lists.  Read more about this on the Travel Kansas website, here.

10 Reasons Why Traveling is the Best Education

Almost every one of us agree that life’s real education happens outside the classroom. Classrooms with teachers, friends and textbooks are of course one way to learn but they are not the only way.

In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things and the things that matter. Whether you stroll through the streets of Paris, hike through the most trying trails in the Himalayas or spend a sunny afternoon on the Caribbean beaches, travel will never fail you as a teacher.   Traveling within your own state or region is can also provide good lessons, including some referenced in this article from Life Hack.

Read more here.


What to do this weekend – events around the region

If you are looking for something to do this weekend to get yourself in the holiday spirit, check out some of the events and activities happening in our region:

Salina – attend the Smoky Hill Museum’s holiday open house.  Saturday, December 10th, 1 to 4 p.m.  More info here.

Wilson – attend the 2016 Christmas Festival.  Saturday, December 10th, 11:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.  Read more here.

Lincoln – attend the Christmas Caroling party at The Cube.  Sunday, December 11th, 4 to 5:30 p.m.  See it here.

Minneapolis – watch the Minneapolis High School New Image Choir concert “Carols and Cocoa.”  Sunday, December 11th, 4 to 6:30 p.m.  More info here.

Beloit – Drive through the Chautauqua Isle of Lights.  Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th, 6 to 10 p.m.  Read more here.

Concordia – Visit the Sisters of St. Joseph Christmas Open House.  Sunday, December 11th, 1 to 3 p.m.  Read more here.

Belleville – Attend the Pawnee Indian Museum Holiday Open House.  Saturday, December 10th, 2 to 4 p.m.  Read more here.

This is just a sampling of what the region has to offer.  Check it out and let us know what you think!