Establish Your Own Mobility Manager

In all its various forms, at its root, public transportation is about getting people to their desired destinations in a safe, accessible, and affordable manner. Kansas Mobility Management is a public transportation strategy that focuses on the customer’s transportation needs and develops a strategy for meeting the needs through the coordinated use of a variety of providers. We are always looking to build our team.

Innovation and flexibility are encouraged in problem-solving and allow for strategies aimed at the
individualized needs of the riders. Thus, specific tasks that individual mobility managers perform
can vary widely, while maintaining the intent to build coordination among existing public transportation providers and other transportation service providers with the result of expanding the availability of service.

In Kansas, Mobility Managers are a valuable resource within a statewide network of Coordinated Transit Districts (CTDs) for identifying needs and developing and facilitating coordination strategies that benefit both passengers and the transit providers that serve them. Working regionally, this position can serve as a centralized point of contact for people needing to schedule cross-jurisdictional rides for a variety of purposes.

Working collaboratively within a CTD, Mobility Managers have the potential to manage a clearinghouse for transit agencies of documents, other resources, and discussion points. More locally, Mobility Managers assist transit agencies with outreach and communications, saving them both staff time and funding.


If a CTD is considering mobility management in their area, current mobility managers are always willing to come and speak or give presentations on mobility management. This is a great opportunity as they can share their own experiences and help the CTD determine if adequate support exists for a viable mobility management position.

CTD support requires active participation by individual member agencies and a willingness to coordinate to enhance mobility options for the CTD region. Agencies should be willing to look beyond what benefits an individual agency when exploring regional transportation solutions to achieve the best outcome.

When the CTD is ready to move forward with creating a mobility management position, they should reach out to KDOT for guidance on setting up the program. The decision to hire a mobility manager must be made and formally approved at a regular or special CTD meeting and be recorded in the meeting minutes.

Once the CTD designates a Host Agency and there is an MOU in place, the CTD (or assigned work group) may begin creating the position, initial annual work program, and budget.

Kansas Mobility Management Resources