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Transit Day at the Topeka Capitol

  • All Kansans -Republican and Democrat, rural, suburban and urban, public transportation user and not – benefit from public transportation.
  • Strong public transportation makes our economy grow and makes Kansas more livable.
  • Public transportation is an integral element of the nation’s and Kansas’ transportation system providing over 10 million trips annually in Kansas for Kansans who depend on public transportation to work, school and medical appointments.
  • Nearly 70 percent of voters polled in the presidential election support investment to repair and improve public transportation.
  • Public transportation helps our communities prosper. For every $1 invested in public transportation, communities get $4 back in economic returns.
  • Public transportation benefits us all, regardless of whether we use it or not. It makes our communities safer, better connected and stronger economically. From shorter commute times to greater business connectivity, public transportation improves the way our communities work.
  • Residential property values perform 42% better on average if they are located near public transportation with high-frequency service.
  • 87% of public transit trips impact the economy by getting people to work and connecting them to local businesses.
Learn more about public transportation here.

Ten Reasons to Use Public Transportation In Kansas

  1.  Public Transportation enhances personal opportunities.  It provides personal mobility and freedom and allows people to get to work, school, visit friends and more.
  2. Public transportation saves fuel and reduces congestion.  Less cars on the road means less fuel that is purchased and less time looking for a parking spot.
  3. Public transportation provides economic opportunities and drives community growth and revitalization.  Every $1 invested in public transportation generates at least $4 in economic returns.  Good news for rural Kansas!
  4. Public transportation saves money.  Using public transportation is the quickest way to beat high gas prices, car payments and insurance.  It’s an easy alternative to driving!
  5. Public transportation reduces gasoline consumption.  Households near public transit drive an average of 4,400 fewer miles than households with no access to public transit.  Less trips to the gas station!
  6. Public transportation reduces carbon footprint.  A single commuter switching to public transportation can reduce a household’s carbon emissions by 10%.  Just think what would happen if we all did that?  An easy way to go green.
  7. The weather always changes in Kansas – let someone else deal with road conditions.
  8. You can legally read a book or text on your phone while riding!
  9. Riding a bus is way less stressful than driving in traffic!
  10. Everyone loves to make new friends!

For more public transportation facts, see the Public Transportation Fact Book.