Local Agencies are Working Together

Local Agencies are working together to ensure that the transportation needs of north central Kansas residents are being met. This transportation coordination effort falls under the umbrella of the KDOT Regional Transit Business Model Implementation project and is a partnership of transportation stakeholders who recognize that in order to meet the transportation need in north central Kansas everyone needs to work together.

The district meets quarterly and its membership includes representatives from: OCCK, Inc., Central Kansas Mental Health Center, the City of Holyrood, the City of Wilson, the Concordia Senior Citizens Center, Ellsworth County Council on Aging, Lincoln County Public Transportation, Ottawa County Transportation, Pawnee Mental Health Services, Republic County Transportation, and Solomon Valley Transportation.

Leadership for the district is provided by Mobility Manager, Michelle Griffin, who says “It is so imperative that we work together to use our finite resources efficiently so that we can help the maximum number of people. By working together everyone can benefit, most importantly, the people we are trying to serve.  Transit is not just a social service, transit is also an economic develop initiative, an economic development asset that benefits rural areas.”

The primary goals of the district are to improve the efficiency and availability of rural transit service throughout the region, making transit more accessible and more useful to the region’s rural residents.

Contact us for more information.