Kansas Mobility Management is a way to connect people to transportation options that get them to their destinations. It’s also working across sectors with partners to understand people’s transportation needs and together create new services that respond to those needs.
Our team of Kansas Mobility Managers can help answer the following questions:
- Do you need help finding transportation where you live?
- Are you unsure of how to ride public transportation?
- Do you want to take travel training on the transit in your area?
- Do you have questions that you need answered?
- Do you need a Mobility Manager in your region?
About Kansas Mobility Management
Did you know? The state of Kansas is divided into 10 Coordinated Transit Districts by the Kansas Department of Transportation. Each of the CTDs establishes its own goals and objectives for general public transportation. There are five Kansas Mobility Managers in place to help with those goals.
Mobility management is a strategic approach to service coordination and customer service. When implemented, mobility management will move transit agencies away from their roles as separate service operators, and toward collaboration with other transportation providers. The idea behind this approach is to create a full range of well-synchronized mobility services within a community, county, region, or state.
Within each of our respective service areas, we work with local transit organizations to provide the highest quality transportation options to the communities we serve. We are continuously looking for new ways of improving service to those who need it most.
View our 2023-2024 Mobility Manager Impact Report.
Our Kansas Mobility Management Team
Along with representatives from each of our regions, our Kansas Mobility Management team provides additional guidance and assistance, as well as information and resources. If you have questions about anything transportation-related, give one of our Kansas Mobility Managers a call.

Dre’Vel Taylor
Mobility Manager
CTD 1 – Lawrence/Douglas County

Mike Spadafore
Mobility Manager
CTD 1 – Topeka/Shawnee County
785.235.1367 x 122

Robin Jones
Mobility Manager
CTD 3 – Northeast Region
(Nemaha, Brown, Doniphan, Atchison, Jackson, Jefferson, Leavenworth)

Mike Wilson
Mobility Manager
CTD 4 – Flint Hills Region
(Dickinson, Geary, Riley, Pottawatomie, Marshall, Washington, Clay)

Misty Williams
Mobility Manager
CTD 5 – East Central Region
(Anderson, Chase, Coffey, Franklin, Linn, Lyon, Morris, Osage, Wabaunsee)
620.341.4380 ext. 3498

Michelle Coats
Mobility Manager
CTD 7 – North Central Region
(Saline, Ottawa, Cloud, Republic, Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ottawa)
785.826.1583 ext. 315

Jessica Warren
Mobility Manager
CTD 9 – South Central Region
(Harvey, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Kingman, Sedgwick)

Kansas Mobility Managers can help with Travel Training. Find a program near you on this Travel Training page.
For more about Mobility Management in general, visit the National Center for Mobility Management.