Ottawa County Public Transportation

Ottawa County Public Transportation

Here are the public transportation providers in Ottawa County:

Ottawa County Transportation

  • Address:  817-A Argyle, Minneapolis, KS  67467
  • Phone: (785) 392-2822
  • Email:
  • Clientele:  Elderly, Disabled, General Public
  • Service Area:  Ottawa County
  • Out of Service Area Travel:  Salina
  • Service Hours:  Weekdays (7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.); Saturday (none); Sunday (none)
  • Trips Made For:  Medical, shopping, personal business, employment, education, meals
  • Fares: $.35 to $5,00, varies per destination

OCCK Transportation

  • Address:  340 N. Santa Fe, Salina, KS  67401
  • Phone:  (785) 826-1583 or (877) 577-4337
  • Website:
  • Clientele:  Elderly, Disabled, General Public
  • Service Area:  Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Marion, McPherson, Osborne, Ottawa, Republic, Saline, Smith
  • Out of Service Area Travel:  none
  • Service Hours:  Weekdays (6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.); Saturday (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Salina only); Sunday (none)
  • Trips Made For:  Medical, shopping, personal business, employment, education, meals
  • Fares:  $2.00 per person each way in Saline county and 10 cents per mile outside Saline County
  • Other Services:  Salina CityGo Fixed Route, Med-A-Van, Non Emergency Medical Treatment (Medicaid)

81 Connection

  • Address:  340 N. Santa Fe, Salina, KS  67401
  • Phone:  (785) 826-1583 or (877) 577-4337
  • Website:
  • Clientele:  General Public Fixed Route Bus Service
  • Service Area:  Stops in Belleville, Concordia, Highway 24 Junction, Minneapolis and Salina
  • Out of Service Area Travel:  none
  • Service Hours:  Three Round Trips each day, Monday to Friday
  • Trips Made For:  Medical, shopping, personal business, employment, education, meals, etc.
  • Fares:  $1.00 from town to town, $4.00 from Belleville to Salina, one way
  • Other Services:  operated and managed by OCCK Transportation