Kansas Rides was developed to be the best website for learning about all Kansas Public Transportation options across the entire state of Kansas. On this website, you can find information about all Kansas public transportation providers in all 105 Kansas counties, as well as specific information for both in-town and regional fixed routes, biking, electric scooters, and more. Check out the Kansas Mobility Managers and learn what they can do for you!
We want to make public transportation more accessible and more useful to Kansas’ residents. While doing that, we also hope to foster these goals:
Promoting Independence
- Maintaining quality of life for individuals who live in our communities
- Increase awareness and perception of transportation services
Building Connections
- Improve efficiency and effectiveness of transit service so more Kansans can be served
- Increase the level of communication, cooperation and coordination among existing providers
Preserving Kansas Living
- Allow Kansans to stay within their current communities
- Increase and enhance the level of connectivity between activity centers (i.e., cities, major employers, major medical facilities)
Kansas Rides connects individuals in need of transportation assistance with available providers in their community. Whether you are seeking a ride to the doctor, the grocery store, employment, or for any other purpose, we are here to work with you to find the right provider to meet your needs.
There are many different transportation options available. We’re here to help you find the best options available. Check out the Kansas Mobility Managers and learn what they can do for you!